Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fractured Fairy Tales

Task: To create a fractured fairy tale, illustrate the story and make a storybook containing the tale and illustrations. You need to submit both the storybook as well as a printout of the story.

Deadline: 16 April (Fri) - 3 periods have already been allocated for this. You need to complete the rest of the task at your own time.

Looking forward to your submissions. Have fun!


  1. Mrs Gan,is Kai Wen and Huey officially in my group?

  2. Do we need to write a poem?
    I'm really bad at it.
    Oh well...
    IS it a must?
    Or can we write a tale?

  3. @ Diarrhea: You don't have to write a poem. I'm writing one because it sounds more comical that way.

  4. Tharun: You need not write a poem.
    Yi Lin: They have requested to join your group to do this project because their group has already completed the story and they did not manage to contribute.

  5. so they are in our group right?
