Monday, March 22, 2010

What We Did Today

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

Today, we watched three clips about the parting of the Red Sea. The three clips were produced by different people / companies. You saw how the one by Dreamworks was the most impressive. The scenes tugged at the hearts of people and details such as the people's expressions and the background sounds were given attention to. You also saw how the Red Sea can be parted in two seconds in another clip. Many of you laughed at its simplicity. Let's ensure that our essays are descriptive like the Dreamworks' production and not like the simple clip we saw.

Homework update

Pupils who did not hand in their holiday homework today:
English Practice Paper 4 - Register No. *12, *17, *36, 37, 20(abs), 40(abs)
Term One Reflection - Register No. *18, *24, *31, *37, 38, 20(abs), 40(abs)
*Stayed back during recess to complete.

Medad, I don't think you've handed in your group's file, so I'm also missing your work, as well as Isabelle's , Mandeal's and Anish's work.