Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What we did today (30 Mar)

We went to crimelibrary.com.sg to find out the penalty meted out to offenders of various crimes. Will go through some of your work tomorrow. Some of you produced very good work.

Homework for today:
1) English Practice Paper 5 (Due on Thu)

Hand in your ring files tomorrow if you haven't done so.

Yi Lin, I can't find the link for the 3rd video. Will try again when I am more free.

Nick, need to ask you about admin for the blog. Don't really understand that.

God bless you.


  1. Mrs Gan, admins for the blog are basically people who can also edit the blog other than you. Plus, if you could not find it on youtube, how did you get it anyway?

  2. Tag at my blog! scassist.blogspot.com

  3. Finally! Someone who is active!

  4. i agree with nick,Mrs Gan,I thought you got the video from your computer?

  5. Response on 3rd video:
    The 3rd video was from youtube. I did load it onto my laptop but I can't post the video here due to copyright issues. I can't find the video in youtube now although I typed the same search words.
